Wore a Yukata for school activity this week :D |
Heyaaaa~~ International Culture and Education Week of my department just ended today~!!!! Which means I have some little time for rest now :3 I always develop new thoughts every day every time especially during the times when I work which other people because it's a journey of learning, right?
I consider myself as a very easy going person. I can be down in dumps by just some mere things, but I could as well be over the moon by just very simple things and simple little pleasures. I won't mind doing a lot of work if someone does appreciate it, I feel satisfaction by just greetings like "You mush be tired (お疲れ様Otsukaresama; or 辛苦了Xin Ku Le). Even a gratitude of concern can make my day. I won't get angry THAT easily too and I rarely sweat the small stuffs because that's obviously meaningless, especially to those obnoxious people out there... yeah.
Many things, if you look at it at the bright side, it is a gift from God; but if you choose to look at it in a gloomy way then... It only makes like miserable, doesn't it? Sometimes it's just one side of a coin, it is our own choice to flip it or not. Why not make yourself happier when YOU CAN DO IT? Maybe, sometimes life is just about "WHY NOT?", yes?
"You need to be happy at least for a HAPPY ENDING
I’m not being sarcastic but I want you to know this is the truth"
Yes, many people are mean in this world, but this is what makes true friendship so precious.❤️